About this site

Our challenge is to take the HSO Connect observers and modelers from around the world and find a way for them to share their research and collaborate on new science. These researchers come from different research areas (solar, heliospheric, geospace), come from different geographic locations, use different data sources, and often use different programming tools. Our goal is to develop a way of connecting their individual research contribution to the campaigns in a way that relates to the others. We are doing this by establishing the HSO Connect “portal,” which connects users to the different resources. The HSO Connect portal is one of the first science websites at NASA deployed on the NASA AWS cloud.

There are two components to this effort: The HSO Connect Portal HSO Connect Data and Modeling Resource Portal that is a database of data products, models, tools and resources that scientists use to perform research on HSO Connect projects. People access that site to identify assets relevant to their interest.

This site is an open-source sharing environment that hosts specific code and analysis scripts for the HSO Connect Portal. A scientist searching on how to access data or modeling products for an HSO Connect campaign may want to obtain the code for how to analyze the data. This site provides those resources.